What is a digital video phone

A digital video phone is one of the most intuitive telephonic devices available today, and if you have just purchased one, then you definitely won't be disappointed. The next generation in personal multimedia communications is represented by these video telecommunication devices. It will let you make true-to-life, reliable calls over the Internet. You will be able to talk to and see the person you have called and vice versa, as long as they have a similar telephone too. The following things can be done with a digital video phone:
- A directory of those you call the most can be built
- A history of calls can be viewed
- Video and voice mail can be accessed
- The phone can be customized
- A snapshot of the screen can be taken during a video call
- The video can be turned off for privacy
- A conference call can be made
- A call can be redialed
- A call can be put on hold
- A waiting call can be answered
Are wondering what you should do with your existing with your existing conventional telephone? All you need to do is plug it into the back of your digital video phone and continue using it as well. Your new telephonic device is most likely also equipped with the digital photo frame function. This means that you can transfer your favorite photos to it through a USB flash drive, which will be showcased on the LCD screen. These photos can be viewed directly on the LCD or can be directed to a large-screen display, such as a television. Soon you will realize how easy to use your telephonic device is because it has an intuitive user-friendly interface and simple plug-and-play installation.
If you are unsure or you cannot figure out how to use a certain feature of your brand new digital video phone, you can always choose the on-screen Help option. Information and Help You can easily view your device's name and number, and any other technical details by using the Information screen. From this screen, the in-phone Help information can also be accessed.
1. From the Menu, the Information icon can be selected by using the directional arrow keys and pressing the Select or OK key.
2. Details about your digital video phone will also be displayed on the Information screen. If you every make a service call, you might have to provide these details.
3. You can move to the Help tab by using the right direction arrow key. Help topics will be displayed on the Help screen, which include:
- Call History
- Contacts
- Digital Photo Frame
- Phone Basics
- Settings
- Video and Voice Mail
- Video Out
4. You can select a Help topic by using the up and down directional arrow keys and pressing the Select or OK key. The help topics will be displayed in the in-phone Help browser.
As you can see, video telephones are also one of the most advanced telephonic devices currently available. In fact, as this amazing telecommunication technology continues to advance, more of these remarkable devices with incredible features are emerging in the market. So, you certainly made the right choice by buying a digital video phone.

Advantages of using video conferencing in schools

Globalize Education
: Students from remote areas can be connected with the experts by one click Students got to know about the different cultures of people as they start interacting with other students through the Video Conferencing Software. In this 21st century we are running for globalization i.e. to communicate throughout the world. For this reason, it is necessary to build your base globalized. Students who are learning through virtual classes are usually affirmed about their connectivity with the different countries, different regions. It suffices to say one cannot be the ultimatum for a particular subject. Different views, different opinions raise up the debate which is the solutions for the uncertainty.Customized Curriculum: Only reading and writing is not sufficient for the proper education system. Education providers have been using several trips like visiting the Zoo, space center, science museum for the students. But it is very expensive to arrange trips for several times in a year. Virtual Trip is introduced to cut off the expenditure. Students are enjoying their educational activities by experiencing virtual field trips. Mentors also appreciate this new teaching method.
Experts are Online in Virtual Classroom: We all know experts are always busy as they are deeply involved in their project work or researches. It is impossible for them to visit each institute and deliver a speech. Video Conferencing is the online bridge for the students to reach the experts. Those who were absent for the particular seminar they also can check it later by recording the whole conversation. The educator can arrange tests through the conferencing system and check the answers on interactive whiteboard with I-pen. They can correct the student's answers on the whiteboard at the same time.
Boost up the interest level: While the education system is coming up with audio video HD effect, students get a charge out of their education system. One of the best benefits of virtual education is students can interact with numerous students like them who are far away from each to other. They are thrilled to make new friends and share their ideas to others. It helps to increase their interest level by searching new technologies and other interest over the internet.


A Newsgroup is essentially an electronic bulletin board where messages are left (like the e-mail) for others to see and respond to if necessary. It is here that we have two-way communication. For example, you may have a question regarding your computer system that non of your friends can help you resolve. By using a newsgroup you can post the question and receive responds from anywhere in the world.
Newsgroup messages are stored on Internet servers, called News Servers, which are located throughout the world. Each Internet Service Provider (ISP) supplies a news server for use by all of its subscribers. The news server is divided into categories with each category being a newsgroup and each newsgroup having links to other servers on the Internet that contains the same category or newsgroup.
When you post a message to a newsgroup, it is posed onto your ISP’s news server. When you view the messages in a newsgroup, the server automatically activates the links and scans the other servers for messages in the requested category. When you look at a list of articles in a newsgroup you can see each message header. when the relevant header is activated by double-clicking on it, a connection with the appropriate server is made and the message is displayed in your browser window.
The newsgroups can be accessed either from hyperlinks in the Web pages or from an integrated news browser which forms part of your Web browser.The area on the Internet that is made up of thousands of newsgroups is called the Usenet.

Why Is My Computer So Slow? Here's 7 Ways to Speed It Up

1 - Identify and remove malware

To start off with you'll want to make sure there isn't any hidden malware currently infecting your system. Even if you think there isn't, chances are some type of malware is hidden somewhere in your system. If you don't already have security software installed such as antivirus or internet security, your computer is most likely infected. Malware includes all malicious computer threats such as viruses, spyware, and adware.
Malware can really slow down your computer and you can't identify malware on your computer without the help of a decent security program. To identify and remove malware you'll need to run a full system scan using your security program. Once you've removed all hidden malware on your computer, you should also consider setting up an automatic weekly virus scan to run so you won't have to remember to do so yourself!
2 - Uninstall unnecessary programs
The more high memory programs you have stored on your computer, the less free hard drive space you'll have and the slower your computer will run. There are most likely at least a couple of unnecessary programs eating away at your computer's memory and performance. Even brand new computers come preinstalled with lots of bundled software crap that you really don't need or may ever use. Uninstalling any programs and services that you find unnecessary will really help to clear out the clutter and free up some extra memory on your hard drive.
3 - Eliminate startup services
You may not even realize it, but as soon as you hit the power button to your computer tons of random services and programs launch which you probably don't need slowing down the startup process. If you find yourself wondering why is my computer so slow during the startup process, eliminating unnecessary programs and services from starting up with your computer will do just that. Over time many programs and services are automatically added to the startup list which can tremendously slow down the startup process for your computer.
To eliminate startup programs and services using Microsoft Windows, navigate to the System Configuration window (windows key + R and type in msconfig) and click the Startup tab at the top. In Mac OS X, you can navigate to System Preferences, Accounts, and open LoginItems.
4 - Update device drivers
Every computer has a big list of drivers for every attached or installed device and over time those drivers will most likely become outdated. Most computers don't automatically update outdated drivers making this a separate task you'll have to take on yourself if you suspect your drivers are out of date. The quickest way to locate and install the newest drivers for your computer is with a simple Google search including your exact computer model name such as, drivers for HP TouchSmart 1050. You'll usually be able to download a complete driver package including all up to date drivers for your computer model on your computer manufacturers website.
5 - Reinstall or upgrade the OS
You probably aren't aware of all the unnecessary clutter that can accumulate over time and really slow down your computer. Sometimes the easiest and most effective solution to regain your computers top performance is to simply upgrade or reinstall the entire operating system. Upgrading to the latest OS edition will certainly provide the most effective speed boost, but reinstalling your current operating system will work just as well to give your computer a fresh start. Ideally, you should first back up only your most important files and documents to a separate secure location such as a flash drive or external hard drive, that way you can safely install the operating system and restore your files after.
6 - Add more RAM (random access memory)
RAM (random access memory) is basically like a turbo kit for your computer and is a physical hardware component that is easily upgradable. If you wonder why is my computer so slow whenever you have lots of open windows and/or programs open, adding more RAM to your computer can certainly allow you to run more powerful programs at once. Although working with a hardware component yourself may sound a little out of your comfort level, the RAM is one of the easiest hardware devices to replace. Since no data is ever permanently stored on the RAM, you can easily swap out and upgrade RAM in your system without worries of losing or damaging data. The more RAM your computer has, the more high memory programs you can run at once and the more powerful your system will become. 64-bit operating systems can support a whole lot more RAM compared to 32-bit systems which typically have a max RAM limit of 4 GB.
7 - Upgrade to a solid state drive (SSD)
If you're still using one of those old fashioned hard disk drives it's definitely time to upgrade to something a little faster. Solid state drives are much faster and more powerful compared to hard disk drives because they eliminate file fragmenting, meaning data can be loaded a lot faster and defragmenting the hard drive becomes a thing of the past.
Solid state drives are also entirely flash-based and contain no physical moving parts such as spinning discs or a moving read/write head. With traditional hard disk drives, the read/write head has to physically move around to access data which is stored in fragments. With solid states drives, no physical moving parts are required and you can access and load your data significantly faster. Tip: Installing the operating system directly onto a solid state drive can increase startup performance up to 8x.