
A Newsgroup is essentially an electronic bulletin board where messages are left (like the e-mail) for others to see and respond to if necessary. It is here that we have two-way communication. For example, you may have a question regarding your computer system that non of your friends can help you resolve. By using a newsgroup you can post the question and receive responds from anywhere in the world.
Newsgroup messages are stored on Internet servers, called News Servers, which are located throughout the world. Each Internet Service Provider (ISP) supplies a news server for use by all of its subscribers. The news server is divided into categories with each category being a newsgroup and each newsgroup having links to other servers on the Internet that contains the same category or newsgroup.
When you post a message to a newsgroup, it is posed onto your ISP’s news server. When you view the messages in a newsgroup, the server automatically activates the links and scans the other servers for messages in the requested category. When you look at a list of articles in a newsgroup you can see each message header. when the relevant header is activated by double-clicking on it, a connection with the appropriate server is made and the message is displayed in your browser window.
The newsgroups can be accessed either from hyperlinks in the Web pages or from an integrated news browser which forms part of your Web browser.The area on the Internet that is made up of thousands of newsgroups is called the Usenet.