6 Ways to Make Your Smile Genuine, and Your Life Much Happier

What gesture has a powerful and positive affect on your health, success, and happiness? A genuine smile. It reduces stress and is instrumental in creating positive emotions. But make sure your smile is authentic because according to science, fake smiles do not carry the same effect.
In a famous "yearbook" study done by the University of California, Berkeley, it was found that women whose smiles were genuine in their yearbook pictures, over their lifetimes, had more positive life outcomes in the areas of marriage and personal well-being.
A genuine smile has other benefits too. As a nonverbal communication device, it allows you to connect with others in a warm and sensitive way. When you smile at that new acquaintance, your intimate partner, or customers in business settings, you convey acknowledgment and meaningfulness. In return, it invokes in those you smile at loyalty and a willingness to give back.
With so much personal and interpersonal benefits, how do you make your smile more authentic?
1. Change Your Thought Process.
If you are feeling glum and gloomy, examine what your thoughts are at that moment. If you are thinking negative or catastrophic thoughts, stop yourself immediately. Take a moment to recall a pleasant memory or happy thought. Let those emotions roll over and replace any blue thoughts you are having.
2. Exercise Optimism.
Optimism is a choice. Listen to some upbeat music, recite positive affirmations, or return your thought to the present. Find what works best for you, and practice it regularly.
3. Practice Gratitude.
There are many things in your life to be grateful for. But most people are unaware of them until they start counting them. Make a list. I promise that once you start, you will find much more to be grateful for. Keep your list handy and add to it often.
4. Have Fun.
Too often, people get so consumed with the necessities of life that they forget to enjoy it. Socialize with people you love and care for, indulge in hobbies, or take a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. Find what you think is fun, and make room in your schedule for it.
5. Lighten Up.
Laugh, joke, dance. Run through a meadow. Scream at the top of your voice in an empty field. Let go.
6. Indulge Your Spiritual Side.
Whatever your beliefs are, work on strengthening them. Spend time in study and quiet reflection. Draw comfort and calm from your Divine Source, however you see it. As you do, you will gain an energy that fills your soul and invigorates your smile.
Smiling has powerful benefits for your well-being, but only if that smile you flash is real. Use these steps to build health, well-being, and happiness into your life.

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